
Empowering Web Creativity

EasyRotator KnowledgeBase – Error #2038

When using EasyRotator for WordPress, you may receive error #2038 when attempting to upload a rotator.  This error usually occurs if your WordPress site is hosted on an Apache server that has the mod_security module running.  Depending on your server's configuration, the module may mistakenly block the upload, resulting in this error.  The problem is usually corrected by creating a new .htaccess file in the following location:


The .htaccess file should contain the following code:

# Allow uploads to EasyRotator for WordPress
<IfModule mod_security.c>
   <Files main.php>
   SecFilterEngine Off
   SecFilterScanPOST Off
# The upload destination is protected via an API key, so override any htpasswd authorization restrictions
<Files main.php>
   AuthType none
   Satisfy Any

Upload the file to the server then try uploading your rotator again. 

Note: If you now receive error #2032, double-check the formatting in the .htaccess file – it should only contain the code shown above, and should be saved in raw text format.

If you continue to have trouble

If adding the new .htaccess file doesn't solve the problem, make sure you're running the latest version of the editor.  Then, select File > Advanced Preferences... in the top-left corner of the editor application window and set Upload Method to Alternative and try uploading again.

If this doesn't solve the problem either, please open a support ticket below and include the following important information so we can determine the source of the error:

  • The URL of your WordPress dashboard
  • Temporary credentials to login to the dashboard
  • The debug_WPAPI.xml log file (instructions for getting this file)
  • Important: Your server's PHP error log and HTTP access log.  (Contact your webhost if you're unsure of how to access these files.)
  • (Optional) Temporary FTP credentials to access your site
  • (Optional) Login credentials to access your hosting control panel where site configuration options (including Apache settings) are specified.

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If you have any questions about this article or about using EasyRotator for WordPress, please let us know by opening a support ticket below.

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