Note: Make sure you read this topic as a part of reading the entire Using the 'External Image Data' Section portion of the manual. Reading this individual topic in isolation doesn't give the full overview of how dynamic data works.
Once you understand the concept of dynamic data sources and have either created or located a data source, you're ready to add it in the wizard. This is done in the main 'External Image Data' tab of the wizard. It appears as follows:
The section is accessed by clicking the 'External Image Data' tab at the top of the wizard window:
To add a new data source, click the 'Add New...' button:
A new row will appear in the data source grid:
You now must enter the URL to the dynamic data source. You can either enter the URL directly, or browse to a file by using the browse button on the right edge of the box:
The 'Gallery Linkage ID' setting allows you to specify if the data should be added to a new gallery (created at runtime), or an existing gallery which was defined in the Image Galleries section. To learn more about this, see the Importing Dynamic Data: New Gallery or Existing Gallery section of the Supported Dynamic Data Formats topic. If you have defined galleries with linkage ID values, you can select them by using the dropdown in the grid:
To re-order the dynamic data sources, drag them within the grid. To remove a source, select it then click the Remove button.
For more information on using the 'Add Flickr Photoset' tool (a Pro-version-only feature), see the Flickr Integration topic.