Double-clicking on an individual image brings you to the Image Properties dialog. This dialog is where you will configure all of the image-specific properties such as the title, caption, and image link. The dialog appears as follows:
To navigate the dialog, click on the tabs at the top of the window. Each of the tabs are individually covered in this topic's subtopics. See these subtopics for detailed information.
When you're done making changes, click the Done button at the bottom to close the Image Properties dialog. If you want to edit the properties of multiple images more easily, you can click the '< Previous Image' or 'Next Image >' buttons at the bottom of the window; this will make the dialog switch to the previous or next image for editing. Pressing CTRL + > or CTRL + < (use CMD on Mac) has the same effect as well.
The index and title of the image are displayed in the dialog title: