When you insert a slideshow into an HTML page, a block of code referred to as 'Slideshow HTML' is inserted. It begins and ends as follows:
<!-- Start dwuser_XML_Flash_Slideshow_v4 -->
...Slideshow code here...
<!-- End dwuser_XML_Flash_Slideshow_v4 -->
There are three main components to each of these blocks:
First is the <script> reference to the slideshow.js embed script in the v4flashslideshow/ supporting files folder. It appears as follows in the Slideshow HTML:
<!-- Do not remove the line below!!! It is required for the DWUser XML Flash Slideshow v4. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="v4flashslideshow/slideshow.js"></script>
When you initially insert a slideshow, the bolded reference will automatically be generated so that it correctly points at the slideshow.js file. It is important to make sure that this reference is updated if you change any file locations. If you ever accidentally break the reference (or forget to upload the supporting files), an alert box will be displayed when you attempt to view the slideshow in the browser, noting the problem.
Next is the <div> tag which will be replaced by the slideshow in your page. This <div> tag holds all of the alternate content which is displayed if the Flash Player or Javascript are unavailable:
<div class="dwuser_xfs_v4_holder" style="width: 600px; height: 400px;">
<strong><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer/">You need to upgrade your Flash Player and enable Javascript to view this content »</a></strong>
To learn more about alternate content and how to customize it, see the Alternate HTML Content subtopic.
Finally is the slideshow embed function call. All of the slideshow initialization parameters, including the SWF embed parameters, are passed in a javascript object to this function:
XMLFlashSlideshow_v4({width:'600', height:'400', xml:'v4flashslideshow/slideshow_data0.xml', backgroundColor:'#C5C5C5', backgroundAlpha:'0.5', preloaderTextColor:'#000000'});
These parameters pass important data, most especially the path to the XML configuration file (bolded above). To learn more about the slideshow embed call, see the Slideshow HTML Parameters subtopic.