Once you install the software, your list of templates doesn't have to become stale. Instead, there are several online options to help you continue to expand creativity.
- Occasionally, new starter templates will be automatically downloaded and installed into the program when it checks for updates.
- The XFS v4 Template Exchange offers a central repository where XFS v4 users can share their work. You can upload templates to share, or browse and add new templates to your library.
- The Starter Templates page shows all of the starter templates which are available. These will likely already be installed ino your template library, but you can also grab the template URL directly from the page.
- If you find a slideshow on the web you want to duplicate, you can ask the publisher for the configuration file URL and their permission to use it on your slideshows.
- New DWUser.com-created template packs may be made available in the future for free download, or purchased for a nominal fee. See the main XFS v4 product page for more information.
Within the wizard, you will use the following methods to upload or download templates.
Getting Additional Templates
To get a template from the web, first obtain the template URL using one of the above methods. Next, in the Manage Templates dialog, click the Load Template from URL button (or select Templates > Apply Template from URL...):

In the dialog box which opens, specify the URL from which the template should be loaded. By selecting or deselecting the option checkboxes, you can specify if you want to only apply the template to your current slideshow, only add it to your library, or both:

Once you've filled in the options, click the OK button. The template will load and you will be notified once the loading process has completed.
Note: Some online templates, such as template packs, may be distributed as downloadable template archive files. To learn more about using template archives, see the Template Archives page.
Sharing / Uploading Templates
Created a great template? You can upload it to the Template Exchange where other users can download and use it. To do this, select a template in the Current Templates list and click the Share Online button:

The Share Template dialog will open:

There are several parameters which you need to provide:
- Template Name - This value is automatically filled with the template's name. If the default name doesn't give a concise idea of what the template is about, add a few more words.
- Template Description - This should describe in detail what makes the template unique. Verbosity is good - help other users have enough information to evaluate if the template is applicable for their needs.
- Your Name - This is the name which will be publicly associated with the template on the exchange.
- Your DWUser.com ID - This is the email address you used when registering or purchasing a product. This value is not publicly displayed; it is only used to identify you when QA reviews the template.
Once you're finished, click OK. The template will be uploaded and you will be notified of the successful submission.