When you’re looking for inspiration, sometimes it’s good to go back to the basics. In this article, I look at 7 trends that won’t be going away any time soon.
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7 Web Design Trends (That Won’t Go Away)
Saturday, October 27th, 20125 Top Mistakes All Freelancers Should Avoid
Saturday, September 29th, 2012Even with all the technology, tutorials and websites out there today, there is one thing that people can’t avoid – human error. I’m going to warn you about some of the biggest mistakes freelancers make, so you can fill up your “mistake quota” with the little ones… like typos.
Tutorial: Creating a jQuery Image Scroller
Saturday, September 15th, 2012We’ve received several requests for a tutorial showing how to create an infinite image scroller or carousel – something that’s not quite covered by either EasyRotator or the XML Flash Slideshow Creator v4. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the simple steps.
jQuery Adventures: Permalinking and Keyboard Navigation for EasyRotator
Saturday, September 1st, 2012Two features that are occasionally requested for EasyRotator are permalinking (linking to specific slides in a rotator) and keyboard navigation. Both of these features are easily implemented by adding some jQuery code to your page, and we’ll cover the process in this article.
Using CSS3 Transforms to Move, Scale, Rotate and Skew Page Elements
Saturday, August 18th, 2012Transforms, a new feature of CSS3, allow you to manipulate any elements in your page, moving, scaling, rotating and skewing them. The transformations can even be applied as an animation.
Overcome Common Styling Issues with CSS3 Psuedo-Elements
Saturday, August 4th, 2012You probably know how to style links with :hover and :visited etc. But did you know that there are several newer pseudo-elements that can be used for dropcaps, consistent paragraph spacing, setting field focus colors, even text selection color? We’ll explore it all in this article.
Responsive Design: A Crash Course and Demo
Saturday, July 28th, 2012Responsive design allows you to use some simple CSS to transform your webpage based on each visitor’s screen size. In this article, I’ll show you how easy it is to get started with responsive design – there’s even a real demo for you to play with.
The Basics of Overlaying Content
Saturday, July 21st, 2012In this article, I’ll show you how to place any type of content behind existing content on your webpage. One of the most popular applications of this effect is using rotators as the background for part of your page.
Print Stylesheets: Styling for Paper
Saturday, July 14th, 2012In all the din surrounding CSS3 and other flashy features, it’s easy to forget about some of the more foundational CSS functionality that shouldn’t be ignored either. Today, I’m going to touch on one of the lesser-used features of CSS: the ability to customize how your webpage looks when it is printed.