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Thanks for Purchasing EasyRotator Pro - You've Gone Pro!

EasyRotator Pro

Thanks for your purchase!  Please follow the steps below to get started with the Pro features.

Step 1: Add your domain

First, add the domain(s) where you'll be using Pro rotators on the My Account > Credits page.  Once you've added a domain, all Pro features will work properly on that site.  If you're not ready to add your domain(s) right now, no problem – just be sure to add them once you're ready to go live with your site.

If you're currently using a testing/development domain but will later move to a different live domain, add the development domain to your account for now.  When you're ready to go live, use the "Request Change" link on the Credits page to switch over to the live domain.

Step 2: Configure the editor application

All Pro features are included in the standard editor application you already installed; no additional download is needed to enable Pro features.  You can start using the Pro features (as marked with the "Pro" badges) as soon as you've completed Step 1 above.

Optional: To hide the Pro notifications in the editor, select File > Toggle Pro Feature Notifications... on the menu in the top-left corner of the application window.  You will enter the email address you used when purchasing and the password from your signup confirmation email.  (You can also reset your password now if needed.)

Note: If you ever need to reinstall in the future, simply re-download the standard editor application from the EasyRotator homepage.  You don't need to install any separate files to gain access to the Pro features.  You can optionally then hide the Pro notifications again.

Step 3: Have fun!

Thanks again for your purchase, and have fun!  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about EasyRotator Pro, please drop us a line.  We're committed to your 100% satisfaction, so please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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